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Onboarding program

Taking care of the relationship between company and employee is fundamental in all phases, but is particularly so at the moment of joining the company.
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Executive assessment and development

Executive coaching focuses on the development of soft skills through a partnership with the manager who, through a process of self-analysis, identifies new ways of behavior that are more functional with respect to the expected objective. Analysis of reality, identification of the muscles to train, techniques and action strategies, constant feedback are the…
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Datification. Interview with Simona Amati

The digital revolution is transforming the world of work. Many professions become anachronistic, while others are born. So far, everyone agrees. But that's not enough: for those who deal with research, selection and people management in general, it is necessary to consider that talent evaluation has also changed in the digital age.
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The Power of Investing in Personal Development

In today's rapidly evolving job market, the notion of a static career path has become obsolete. With industries transforming, technology advancing, and job roles evolving, professionals must continuously adapt and grow to stay ahead. Amidst this dynamic landscape, investing in personal development has emerged as a pivotal strategy for individuals looking to…
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8 signs

What are the trends in the labor market in the world? What challenges do we face in the next 20 years and how can we prepare ourselves as managers/employers/executive search firms? We followed the speech by Santiago Garcia, one of the founders of the Future for Work Institute, a Spanish observatory on the future of work and human resources management. It made us…
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Our name means “keystone”

We are an executive search firm. Our name means keystone: that is, a company that acts as a supporting structure, a solid and reliable partner for customers and candidates to rely on. Our goal is to be recognized as the best at supporting companies in achieving success through people.

We wish to be the "turning point" for those seeking a new and challenging professional opportunity in change, to support those who need and/or want to face complex, rapidly changing scenarios, to generate strategic resources in organisations, teams, people through initiative, creativity and passion with which we have always operated on the market.