For Companies / Industry
Utilities & Energy, Infrastructure & Transportation
Utilities & Energy, Infrastructure & Transportation
The world of Utilities & Energy and Infrastructure & Transportation is experiencing significant challenges, which require a rapid evolution of business, managerial, organizational and cultural models.
Extensive investments in sectors such as traditional renewable energy sources, hydrogen, the circular economy, waste management, and energy efficiency; the green transition; the “dematerialization” of networks; infrastructure renewal: decarbonization; electrification: new approaches to mobility and new aggregating entities at local level are the drivers that mark out an interconnected circular “route” between the sector’s operators, companies and candidates.
Furthermore, the quality of the work performed by those in charge of these areas has a strong effect on our country’s economic and institutional agenda, exerting a profound social and economic impact while influencing environmental sustainability.
In a varied and complex landscape such as this, boards and managers must be able to act on new paradigms, skills, and strategic/organizational or leadership models, some of which are yet to be invented.